Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Group Travels to Ethiopia

On April 5th, eight people (four of whom are Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Grande Prairie, Swan City) will meet in Addis Ababa to begin a twenty day trip to look at various ANSO and Rotary projects around Ethiopia.  Using three Toyota Land Cruisers, the group will travel over 3000 km to visit projects in the communities of Haraqallo, Negele, Fantalle, Teferi Ber and Lalibela.  This will be the seventh annual trip to Ethiopia for ANSO president Chris Andersen, who says “On each trip we learn something new, and we are continually amazed that people with so little work so hard to gain an education and to improve the livelihood of their families. Included in the trip will be projects centered around schools, water cisterns, micro-businesses, animal restocking, student scholarships, container shipments and the Darara Orphanage.


Upon their return to Canada the group will be preparing a power point presentation about their experiences and interested persons can contact ANSO for more information or a presentation.



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